Enabling the Climate Transition

The energy system is perhaps society's most important infrastructure, and now that we are switching to fossil-free energy, the demands are increasing further. Without a modern energy system, the increasing electricity demand in society cannot be met. By providing well-developed, modern and robust electricity grids as well as innovative energy solutions, Ellevio enables the climate transition.

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The climate crisis has started an industrial revolution in Sweden, and the solution is electrification. By 2045, electricity consumption in Sweden is expected to more than double. To meet the needs, more production, but it is not enough. The energy system must also be expanded and modernised.

Electrification of transport and industries

The transition to an electric transport sector is moving fast and many large vehicle manufacturers have ambitious goals. Development is needed; The climate and environmental impacts of an electric vehicle fleet will be very large. In addition to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, the local environment is also affected with better air quality and reduced noise.

To contribute to the expansion, the Ellevio Group offers operators of charging stations – such as companies, municipalities and associations – to take overall responsibility for the establishment of new charging stations. This includes, among other things, planning, permit application, excavation and connection. We call the service Smart Laddinfra and it involves cost-effective establishment of charging infrastructure in street and ground environments.

Rapid development towards electrified processes is also taking place in industry. Thanks to technological breakthroughs, Swedish industry is facing a radical transition that can have major positive effects on greenhouse gas emissions. Ellevio is meeting great demand for increased capacity, for example in Mariestad, where Volvo is building a battery factory.

Climate-smart energy solutions

The Ellevio Group wants to be a driving force in electrification and help customers in the transition. Ellevio Energy Solutions AB offers end-to-end support for companies and businesses that are transitioning to an electrified, fossil-free business.

Smart electricity meters at all customers

In recent years, all Ellevio's electricity network customers have received the new generation of smart electricity meters. They are an important piece of the puzzle for the sustainable energy system of the future and contribute, among other things, to fewer interruptions, an increased share of connected renewable energy and opportunities for our customers to use new smart energy services.


The Swedish electricity grids thus need to be modernized and expanded. This means that investments in our electricity grid are one of the most important things we do. In 2023, we invested SEK 3.7 billion in the electricity grids.

According to the 2023 Electricity Network Report , electricity network investments of SEK 945 billion are needed in Sweden by 2045. Read about the report here.

How we create tomorrow's electricity system

To meet tomorrow's needs, extensive efforts are required. The Ellevio Group works on a broad front to create tomorrow's climate-smart electricity system. Here are some examples of what we work with:

  • When Volvo builds a new battery factory in Mariestad, Ellevio is responsible for the electricity supply both during construction and when the factory is completed.

  • We build for and connect wind power. In 2023, we connected 193 MW of new wind power.

  • In Stockholm, we have built a "highway for electricity" between Beckomberga and Bredäng and are currently rebuilding the Värtan switchgear in Hjorthagen and the switchgear in Skanstull.

  • In Värmland, we have recently strengthened the regional 130 kV line between Munkfors and Kil.

  • To make it easier for customers to participate in the energy transition, we offer charging solutions.

  • Through the Startup 4 Climate competition, we support the development of new innovations.

  • By 2030, only electric vehicles and work machines will be used in our projects.

  • We work to ensure that the electricity grid regulation provides the right conditions for the energy transition.

Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 7 June 2024

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