Sustainability Governance and Reporting

Sustainability should be an integral part of all our operations. The day-to-day work within sustainability is led by a sustainability manager who reports to the Head of People, Culture & Sustainability, who is part of the company's management team.

In our sustainability work, we are based on our significant impact, risks and opportunities. From there, we measure and set goals, create and implement action plans, and follow up on our results.

In addition to statutory reporting, we have followed up and governed with the help of, among other things, GRI and the UN Global Compact. We also report in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). A dozen or so policy documents guide the work.

Preparations to be able to report in accordance with the EU's new directive CSRD began in 2023 and will affect reporting from 2024 onwards.

Our stakeholders

Our closest stakeholders are customers, employees, shareholders, investors, entrepreneurs, suppliers of goods and services, authorities, decision-makers, media, organisations in the energy sector, interest groups and the local communities in which we operate.

Through collaboration and collaboration, we learn what expectations our most important stakeholders have of us, share our knowledge and put forward our views. Through surveys, meetings and by following the public debate in society, we gain further knowledge about expectations, so that we can drive our and the industry's development in the right direction. We take this result into account in our business planning and in our work to develop our business in a more sustainable direction.

Code of Conduct

Ellevio's operations are conducted in a monopoly position, which means that we have a great responsibility towards the world around us. It is important for us to live up to the demands and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders. We want to earn their trust. How we should behave is described in our Code of Conduct. Various trainings, workplace meetings and internal audits ensure that the Code of Conduct is complied with.

We also expect our suppliers, contractors and partners to have the same high ambitions as we do in sustainability. That is why we have a Code of Conduct for suppliers and partners, which outlines our minimum requirements in the areas of human rights, labour law, the environment and business ethics.

If you see that we, our business partners or any party in our value chains or supply chains are in any way in compliance with our Code of Conduct, please contact us. You are allowed to remain anonymous.

Sustainability management

Ellevio supports the UN's global sustainability goals (Agenda 2030) and the Paris Agreement and has a key role in the transition to a climate-neutral society by 2045. We report under the Global Reporting Initiative and are affiliated with the UN Global Compact.

The day-to-day work within sustainability is led by a sustainability manager who reports to the Head of People, Culture & Sustainability, who is part of the company's management team.

To qualify as a contractor and major supplier of materials, there are extensive sustainability requirements that are specified in a special code of conduct aimed at suppliers.

Both Ellevio's Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for our suppliers are based on the Global Compact's ten principles and contain clear requirements in the areas of human rights, labour law, the environment and anti-corruption.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030

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The UN and world leaders have adopted seventeen global development goals, which together will lead to peaceful and sustainable development by 2030. The goals integrate and balance social, economic and environmental sustainability, and it is the responsibility of all of us to contribute to their achievement. Through a materiality analysis, Ellevio has identified a number of goals that are particularly relevant to our business:

Goal 7: Sustainable energy for all. Sustainable energy is the foundation of our mission and is the purpose of Ellevio's investments. By developing the electricity infrastructure, we make more renewable electricity from solar and wind available in society. It also includes achieving energy efficiency improvements, which our investment in the next generation of smart electricity meters contributes to, among other things.

Goal 9: Sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure. A reliable electricity grid is a prerequisite for industry and business to flourish and for people to live and work throughout Sweden, in urban and rural areas. The electricity grid is also an enabler of the transition towards a fossil-free society where industry and transport are powered by electricity.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities. With a reliable and expanded electricity grid, society can continue to be electrified and more people can participate and make greener choices. We provide smart charging solutions for electric vehicles. By burying our pipes, we also create space for more green areas and homes, while at the same time securing the network from weather influences. Our electricity grid plays an important role in the sustainable urbanisation and development of the growing Helsinki metropolitan area.

Goal 13: Fight climate change. Electrification is a crucial part of the transition towards a fossil-free society. We are modernising the electricity grids to enable the electrification of industry and transport and to enable the expansion of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. When we do that, we also create jobs, which promotes growth. We also secure our electricity networks so that they can withstand the weather impacts of climate change. In addition, we are working to limit the climate impact of our own operations.

In addition, Ellevio also contributes to the following of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals: Goal 5: Gender equality, Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth, Goal 15: Ecosystems and biodiversity, Goal 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, and Goal 17: Implementation and Global Partnership.

Global Compact (UNGC)

The UNGC was formed in 1999 to create international principles on human rights, labour law, the environment and corruption. In 2017, Ellevio joined the Global Compact. Our sustainability reports contain information about Ellevio's work with the UN Global Compact's ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption and meet the requirement that we report on the progress of our sustainability work.

Our Sustainability Report (which is included in the Annual and Sustainability Report) constitutes Ellevio's Communication on Progress report against the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

Sustainability reporting

A sustainability report is published once a year and has until 2023 been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) standards, level "core". The Sustainability Report is Ellevio's statutory sustainability report under the Annual Accounts Act and also includes reporting according to the EU Taxonomy for green investments and reporting according to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). From 2024, the transition to reporting under the new EU directive CSRD will begin. Read more in our Annual and Sustainability Report.

Sustainability documents

Information from Ellevio AB, 

updated on 7 June 2024

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